We live and tell an integrated story, resisting the urge to craft a misleading or oversimplified narrative. Our story has many actors, and is always being written in active partnership with those closest to the work. 

We base our mission on a theologically informed theory of change, designing and evaluating programs with significant leadership from the communities we serve, and in active partnership with others in our field. We practice proximity and collaboration in our programs, resisting the temptation to shape our work from a comfortable distance.



We develop a leadership team that will outlast the current generation, rejecting the pattern of overdependence on one charismatic leader. We cultivate talent by developing each person for and beyond their contribution to the mission, instead of treating them solely as organizational resources.

We invest relationally in a healthy, engaged board, refusing to treat governance as a necessary evil. We pursue active unity and diversity within the board, ensuring that all stakeholders are represented and that expectations are high, clear, and mission-aligned.

We build mutually transformative relationships for the people who provide funding for our work. We confidently approach potential donors as whole persons who may be called to join the mission, rather than solely as funders upon whose resources we depend.



We surrender our identity to God and our ambition to the good of our neighbors. Instead of acting as though we own the organization, we practice the mindsets and habits of stewardship, using our position to advance others’ glory and fullness rather than our own.